Natural Building Festival, Estonia
In August I was granted International Opportunities funding from the Arts Council of Wales to attend the Natural Building Festival in Estonia to develop my technical understanding of working with clay plasters and natural finishes and to participate in the wider discourse around ecological practices and the principles of circular economies. The festival’s themes were construction, finish, and art delivered through practical workshops, lectures and talks from leading practitioners working in clay, lime, hemp, natural paints and finishes.
Day One: Application and finishing techniques for clay plasters with Martin Hütt.
Day Two: Design using hempcrete and lime finishes with Andrus Needo (@krohwin) and Hannah Segerkrantz (@hannahsegerkrantz).
Day Three: Light Earth construction led by Marko Kikas and a talk by @kuidas.works, a research-based design studio located in Tallinn.
Day Two: Design using hempcrete and lime finishes with Andrus Needo (@krohwin) and Hannah Segerkrantz (@hannahsegerkrantz).
Day Three: Light Earth construction led by Marko Kikas and a talk by @kuidas.works, a research-based design studio located in Tallinn.

Organisation: Eestimaaehitus and the Arts Council of Wales
Type: Research and Development
Location: Estonia
Date: August 2023
Type: Research and Development
Location: Estonia
Date: August 2023